Unmanned Kinetics, Delivered.

Ordnance Aero (OA) was founded by the engineering and management team responsible for the design, manufacture, and production of the multiple Group 1-3 sUAS platforms including Shadow, Aerosonde, BAT and others. These vehicles provided persistant ISR in austere environments with multiple payload assets.


Ordnance Aero's mission is to expand the versatility of Group 1-3 sUAS platforms by developing scalable ordnance delivery systems for these aircraft. By leverageing COTs ordnances on fielded platforms, OA seeks to accelerate unmanned/manned and unmanned/unmanned teaming to bring a significant force multiplier to the warfighter.



Ordnance Aero conceives, designs and manufactures end-to-end ordnance delivery systems for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS).

Platform Integration Services

OA delivery systems are integrated onto your platform by our team of engineers.

Configuration Versatility

To maintain SWaP-C trade space on your platform, our systems provide optionable packages such as EO/IR, motion tracking, stand alone C2 links, and various input sensors.

Scalable Energetics

As your platforms grows in capacity so does our carrying capability, allowing you to field more ordnance per mission.

Custom Offerings

As a tactical payload company, let OA tackle integrating your unique assets onto sUAS platforms.



Ordnance Aero is proud to partner with the following groups to bring small ordnance delivery into operation:


Contact Us

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3977 W Oquendo Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV, USA
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